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August 3, 2009 - Here is Chris's story.


He was in a car accident caused by a hit and run drunk driver. He presented to ma several days after the accident with a stiff and sore neck. A disk in his neck was pushing into the spinal cord, all seven cervical vertebrae were out of alignment, his brain stem was twisted affecting many of his cranial nerves, and he had several other painful areas in his body.


I first started with a thorough exam of his neck, the arms, and the Cranial Sacral rhythm.

Of course it was not functioning as it should. I started treating first with the new Acu-Kinesiology learned from Dr. Richard Guidry. At this point I retested him. And without touching his neck, everything was in alignment and much of his pain was reduced. Correcting the energy flows is amazing and quite fast as well. Later I followed up with some mild stretches of his neck muscles and a little myofascial releases.


After I treated him, I retested and all the cervical vertebrae were still in alignment, the Brain Stem was back in place and none of the Cranial Nerves showed distress, and the disk was not pushing into the Spinal Cord. I can get this results with other techniques as I am a very experienced massage therapist, but this is the best and fastest method I have ever used.


There are times you need to just rub gently the muscles, but rubbing will not align the vertebrae or untwist a brain stem. I have not seen a Chiropractic adjustment get this kind of results, but I do not see people just after they have been adjusted, it is usually a week or more since they have been treated by one.

This Acu-Kinesiology is quite stable as well, and those that come frequently, just keep getting better and better. I have tested 27 different Chiropractors after they have been treated by the instructor at a seminar, and none had a correct Cranial Sacral rhythm.


This Acu-Kinesiology is a very powerful process and very complete. After 31 years of treating people, I think this will be the lead treatment, followed by anything else that soothes the patient. I love it.


Park Bishop, LMT Texas



June 27, 2009


My heartfelt thanks for the perseverance in the application of Acu-Kinesiology. To be a witness of results, seeing the hope appear on clients' faces and to hear: "I slept 7 hours for the first time in 2 years (MVA)", "this is the best I felt since 2004 (Cardiac, stroke), "I thought my pain was permanent (RSD)", "I can feel my feet, without the heaviness after 6 years (MS)".


Acu-Kinesiology offers a transition with great impact in improving the body's intricate pathways affecting disease processes. Absolutely, a needleless wonder, thumbs up!! Yours in health, Namaste'.


Alice Funk, Board Certified RN and Licensed Massage Therapist.



June 26, 2009


Dr. Guidry's system is just amazing. This system is much easier to implement than the AK we have been using in our office and the results are fantastic. I would recommend this to any of my colleagues. Thanks again Dr. Guidry for introducing this wonderful system to us.


Dr. Tracey McIntire



June 25, 2009


After being introduced to Dr. Guidry's work by a friend, I decided to attend his class. I was very excited to see the immediate positive results on the people attending the class and on a client that came to the class for a session. I have attended additional classes over the last 4 months and have found this work to be a wonderful, gentle, fast and effective avenue of relief for my massage clients that have chronic pain.


I have incorporated this work into my massage sessions and have learned to use it on myself. I have had several exciting breakthroughs with clients and it continues to amaze me when I listen to their stories of relief.


Linda Dupuis, Licensed Massage Therapist



When I was a child I was a gymnast and taught gymnastics until I was 27.  We were taught to work through the pain.  The pain accumulated until I started every day in agonizing pain.  From the time I woke up in the morning, I had to role onto the floor and had to crawl to the bathroom sink. After a while I was able to stand up, and then straightened up. The pain really never went away.


In my thirties I started practicing my real passion, dancing.  I was still in pain with every movement; I just learned to work through it.  I was not going to stop.  As an active adult, my body was telling me that I was too old for this, but my spirit was not ready to give up.


One day Dr. Guidry notice how much pain I was in at a dance competition and he worked upon me so I could compete that day.  It was amazing!  I felt so wonderful just after one treatment; I was on fire to be dancing without pain.  I won the competition.


So for the next few months I saw Dr. Guidry and I am happy to saw that my back and shoulders are pain free and I am still dancing competitively today.


Since my treatments worked so well, my dad who was having a lower back pain and could not find anything or anyone to give him relief and my mother who had sinus problems and also could not get relief would drive two and a half hours one way for treatments on a weekly basis.


Now thanks to Dr. Guidry we are all pain free and loving life again.  We could not have the quality of life without his healing hands and his magical acupuncture/chiropractic treatments.  The Lord truly brought me a miracle when I met him. 





As a coach, I have long believed in using whatever modalities work to improve performance, to keep my athletes fine tuned, and to be pro-active, not reactive, in preparing them for peak performance. Dr. Richard Guidry’s structured, easy to learn, and easier to apply, Acu Kinesiology system has proven, once again, that there are many ways to provide my athletes with the best available information in the marketplace. He has put together a systematic way to tap into the body’s natural healing processes. Using personal and professional experience, and knowledge he has acquired over 30 years in the field, Dr. Guidry has tapped into something special, a methodology that can be utilized by both medical professionals and non-medical personnel (coaches etc.) with a great deal of benefit. I have already seen wonderful results using Acu Kinesiology in my own athletes, as well as family members and friends. A basic knowledge of human anatomy, coupled with an open mind, and a willingness to learn, will allow any coach, athletic trainer, or physical therapist to see almost immediate results using this modality. I would recommend his classes to anyone wanting to learn a better way to fast-track the body’s own healing methods.


--Tommy Badon, Westminster Christian Academy 



I was in a car wreck three years ago.  My neck hurt, my arms felt heavy, it was hard to breathe, my lower back hurt and my knees and ankles felt weak.  My mental clarity was diminished and my emotions were on a roller coaster ride.  Because of these symptoms I could not maintain my thriving business and my income dropped significantly.


I tried many healing modalities and even though I got some relief none were long-lasting, my condition was becoming chronic.


I was so emotional; I realize I had almost lost hope on any further recovery, so I felt like it was an answer to my prayers when I met Dr. Guidry. After just three sessions of Acu Kinesiology many of the symptoms were much better.  I was able to stand with greater stability and could walk with much better ease.  My mental focus was returning and my emotions were becoming normal.


I was given a miracle with this marvelous work!  And this method was so easy and relaxing with no discomfort! This is truly a gift to be treasured.  Thank you Dr. Guidry for your healing gifts and for your Acu Kinesiology.


Carol from Austin



Years ago my husband and I were trying to get the pregnant so we should have our second child.  Because of complications from the delivery I was unable to get pregnant again.  After trying many approaches nothing seemed to work.


One day I dropped in to see Dr. Guidry and their were two pregnant ladies in the reception room.  We started a conversation about pregnancy and they both said that they were unable to conceive until they were treated by Dr. Guidry.  They were now now seeing Dr. Guidry to make sure the pregnancy want full term, and because they felt so wonderful and experienced no discomfort while they were pregnant.


I ask Dr. Guidry if he could do this for me.  He mentioned that he has a 100% success record of helping ladies become pregnant with his acupressure method.  So I agreed to treatments.  The week that he told me that my body was able to become pregnant, I became pregnant.  I saw Dr. Guidry throughout my pregnancy and right after delivery.  It was an uneventful pregnancy and I experienced no back pain or other discomfort while I was pregnant.


Thanks to his wonderful talents we now have our second son.





I am writing this letter, about how Dr. Richard Guidry helped me through my cancer treatments. Dr. Guidry treated me, while I was undergoing chemotherapy for Colon Cancer. Here is my story:


November 5, 2009, I went in the hospital for a colonoscopy. I was not allowed to go home that day. Imagine my surprise, when after having no symptoms, I was told that I was 90% blocked by a tumor! It was so large, they had to use a pediatric scope to finish the exam. I also had a second, smaller area, which proved to be cancerous as well. Then, on November 7, I had a double re-sectioning, in which half of my colon was removed.


About six weeks after surgery, I had my port o cath put in, and began receiving chemotherapy treatments. Little by little, my body started to deteriorate from the poison that was killing the cancer. I learned that chemo does not discriminate between cancer cells and healthy cells. It kills them both, making you susceptible to many other things. I had to take care to not be around sick people, as my immune system was compromised. I had to take care when eating or drinking, or even handling anything cold, as neuropathy had set into my hands, feet, mouth and throat. I was losing all of my energy. With every treatment, I felt worse and worse. I was to have 12 treatments over 6 months, (one every other week) and I did not know how I was going to get through it. That is when Dr. Guidry came along, and started treating me.


I started with him in March of 2010. Chemo had taken its toll on my body in many ways. Also, I learned that my body had been adapting while I had cancer, as it was slow growing. It had taken a toll on my body as well. I had so many other things going on, I was a complete mess. My oncologist & other doctors were treating me with medications. When the meds wore off, I was no better than I was before I took them. Not so with Dr. Guidry!


Each time I went to see him, Dr. Guidry honed in on the part of my body that was suffering the most. Sometimes it was the neuropathy, sometimes it was my digestive track, my adrenals, my muscles, the list goes on and on. Each time I visited him, I would walk away with a renewed spirit to fight the beast!


After I had taken my 8th of 12 chemo treatments, I was ready to quit! I had had enough! It was pure hell on my body, mind and soul! I went in that day to see Dr. Guidry. My whole body hurt. Worse than that, the positive attitude that I had carried with me for several months, had disappeared. I was giving up. Then something happened. Dr. Guidry would not let me give up. He worked and worked on me that day. He found everything that was bothering me, my whole self, and would not give up on me. When I got up off his table that day, I had a strange feeling overcome me. What was it? I finally realized that I felt like ME again! I had not had that feeling in a long time! What a wonderful gift, especially at such a dark time in my life and cancer treatment!


I do not claim to understand just how what Dr. Guidry does works, but I do know that it DOES work! I am living proof of that. What he did for me the whole time I was receiving the poison, was to keep my body working in a positive manner, to continue the fight of my life, and the fight for my life! I know for sure, that if I had not been seeing him, I could not, and would not have finished my chemo. He helped save my life!


I finally finished chemo at the end of May 2010. I have had follow up CT scans and blood work twice now, and am happy to report that I am cancer free! Thank you Dr. Guidry, for all of your help, and for caring enough to make sure I was able to tolerate the rest of the chemo treatments. You have given me a new lease on life, and I will never forget you for that!


Kathi Bittner, Tomball Texas,



In the Spring of 2007, while trying to rescue my kitten form the neighbors yard I fell out of a tree landing full force on the base of my neck and upper back.  I rested up and took some muscle relaxants until I was well enough to move about. I was unable to turn my head and my lower back was inflexible.  I could not stand for any length bend over or turn my head.  I was in continuous pain.


I made an appointment to see an Osteopathic Physician.  He took a whole set of x-rays of my spine.  The Osteopathic said that I had degenerated discs in my neck and in my lower back.  He said that surgery would not be helpful to me. He referred me to a pain management doctor and gave me a few muscle relaxants and pain pills.  He also prescribed 2 weeks of physical therapy (2 weeks was all the insurance company would cover). The traction at the physical therapy did help but I felt that I needed more that 2 weeks.  


I was determined not to live the rest of my life on pain medications. I had used chiropractors in the past so I went about finding one in my area. I went to a lady Chiropractor who did some soothing therapy on my neck and back but because I was so stiff and in so much pain there was not much else she could do.


 I went to a few other Chiropractors in search of relief.  One Chiropractor, who was more aggressive in adjusting my neck, was able to adjust my neck and gave me more movement and relief.  But I was still suffering with limited mobility and pain.  I was unable to bend over with out pain or sit in a chair without a pillow behind my head.  My hands and fingers would also get numb. At night I was often woken up with sever pins and needles in my arms and hands. 


I friend of mine, who has trouble driving, asked me to drive her to her Dr. Richard Guidry who was treating her with chronic fatigue syndrome.  As long as I was there I also got a treatment from Doctor Guidry.  In about three months of seeing Dr. Guidry only once a week, I constantly started to experience more fluid mobility in my spine and less pain.  I weaned myself off the mussel relaxants and pain bills.


After 6 months I felt pain free.  The numbness and has not returned to my arms and hands.  I am able to work again in my garden.  I have full mobility in my neck and flexibility in my back.


If I had not found Dr. Richard Guidry and his interesting acupuncture system, I believe I would be living on pain medications and muscle relaxants.  


Though out the years as different medical issues come up the first person I turn to is Dr. Guidry. He seems to have an uncanny ability to pin point my area to discomfort and get me feeling well again.


Robine Dengel of Spring Texas



My Life without the Purple Pill


As a reasonable prudent man, often asked myself " why do I put my life and general health into the hands of a health-care professional I really do not know- because Mama took me there as a baby.  I was more afraid of a good but whipping then a needle in the fanny.


As any mama’s void will tell you-even though I have 2 degrees and make decisions that deal in hundreds of millions of dollars worth of oil and gas, I still go back to my mama’s old adage.  Go to the doctor if you're sick.


Well I don't want to go to the damn doctor.


It is time-consuming, expensive and I never seem to get well and they always give me pills.


I hate to take pills.


I have two take pills for my heart.


I have to take pills for my blood pressure.


I have to take pills to thin my blood.


I have to take pills for my pills because they have side effects.


Finally enough.........................


For seven years I have taken Nexium twice a day for GURD and REFLUX disease.  The purple Pill has been prescribed for me by the top Otolaryngology at the Texas Medical Center in Houston. My voice was being destroyed my stomach acid back wash on my vocal cords.


I still was having a career ending voice problem and had additional antacids added to the Nexium by the head of gastrology at one of the leading medical teaching universities at Texas Medical Center.


The results were less than stellar to say the least.


I have heard from several associates about Dr. Richard Guidry.  This practice, combining Western technology in Eastern Medical Arts to heal prevailing problems of the body using techniques derived from his study of kinesiology.  Most physicians have limited or no exposure to this science which can be described as the study of the principles of mechanics and anatomy in relation to human movement.  Combined this with the Eastern art form of channeling energy and acupuncture, and you have an alternative medical approach to the healing arts that allows the body to direct incredible amount of electrical energy to an injured portion of the human body.


I visited with Richard, a delightful Cajun from Louisiana.  He assured me that he was neither the offspring of Marie Lebow nor did he have 666 that two on any matter of his person.  He did have a bone in his nose, but we all have fashion statements to make.


I agreed to visit him and allowed him to physically adjust my body and to direct energy through channeling to the areas of my stomach and throat that were and so much turmoil.  Within three months of my weekly treatments there was no longer any burning.  My voice had been restored.  My livelihood was safe.  I haven't taken a Nexium in several years.


If you want to quit the Pill see the Man......................


The advised that Richard is a devout " believer" and attributes his success to his Creator.


Until then..............


Me All Your Days Be Purple Pill Less....................


Bill Sturgis BBA, CAI, JD

Houston, Texas

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